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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Newbie

Hi everyone!  I should better introduce myself.  I am Adeline, a new blogger - I'm at least going to give blogging a shot anyways!  I figured, I enjoy them so much, why not give it a try myself?

Overall, this is a lifestyle blog; it will include recipes for food and beverage, workout routines (I'm a certified personal trainer), posts on art and design, my exploration in helping design and decorate weddings, and a little style thrown in for good measure.

There are four upcoming blog posts to look out for:  a cocktail recipe (things are infusing as we speak), a recipe for white chocolate banana cream pie, a workout routine that can be done at home, and my journey as I do the flowers for my friends wedding in October!

I was told to start with a few posts before you seek out followers so that they actually have something to read and follow, so read around, but also know that more is coming!

I will try to post at least once a week!  Please feel free to follow and comment as you feel led!  I can't wait to make new friends and to share how I fulfill my restless nature with everyone!


  1. Nice to meet you, Adeline! I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I love your name! Gorgeous. Sounds like you've got everything figured out for starting out in the blogging world. I look forward to reading your first posts, and if you have any questions, maybe I could help - just feel free to ask!
    xx Johanna

  2. Oh, thank you so much Johanna! I do like my name, haha; and I like yours too! It's similar to my middle name: Joann. I will definitely take you up on that offer! You are too kind!
